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So Eris x Casey ship, yay or nay?

This month's milestone, Spring love is in the air so Ally tried to play match maker using the remote from the August 2020 comic to help. Casey and Eris won this month with Ally as the bonus character. The themes are BE, Belly Growth and Hair Growth in addition to 2 mystery themes.

Bonus Character: Ally

Bonus Theme 1: Lactation

Bonus Theme 2: GTS




Whoa, Ally got massive in more that one way😂

Ace of Hearts

I sort of assumed the whole group was a giant polycule tbh


Most are just friends who sometimes get frisky with one another but some are closer (like Ally and Angela).

Sonia (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-02 03:26:31 Yay multiple times
2023-05-01 05:44:50 Yay multiple times

Yay multiple times