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Clearly QT's degeneracy can only be measured exponentially.

A hot springs adventure starring Naomi, QT and bonus character Ally, with BE, Hourglass, Shrinking, and 2 mystery themes.

Bonus Character: Ally

Bonus Theme 1: Faerie TF

Bonus Theme 2: Moar BE!



Santoson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-30 06:13:49 That's not even QT's full potential. Naomi, you need to activate the magic before it can gather all the Energy! Or don't, but i hope you girls got good insurance
2023-05-29 22:32:46 That's not even QT's full potential. Naomi, you need to activate the magic before it can gather all the Energy! Or don't, but i hope you girls got good insurance

That's not even QT's full potential. Naomi, you need to activate the magic before it can gather all the Energy! Or don't, but i hope you girls got good insurance


It's fine it's not their hot springs. As for the owners, I don't if there is massive boob insurance.