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great for snuggles




Yes hello I would like my warm golden fluffy pancakes with a hearty amount of maple syrup -- even though this image is already sweet enough as is. Love!


The snuggliest!


The fury at which my erection of appreciation and i just spend 5 min screaming at my monitor was great... thank you sir


Great job with the anatomy, and the expression is just marvelous. Thank you, Cherri!


I love how you drew her forearm pushing into and down against her belly. I also love how wide her hips and thighs are. You draw her so wholesomely Cherri. Dog Mom is the best. ^_^


My favorite! Thanks Cherri

Radvengence (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-16 22:13:23 >Be me at con >Get sick >Have to go home early >Bummed out and sick on top of that >Cherri posts xtra-thicc dogmom > Feel a bit better It may be kinda silly, but thanks for this, lol.
2018-08-12 22:37:15 >Be me at con >Get sick >Have to go home early >Bummed out and sick on top of that >Cherri posts xtra-thicc dogmom > Feel a bit better It may be kinda silly, but thanks for this, lol.

>Be me at con >Get sick >Have to go home early >Bummed out and sick on top of that >Cherri posts xtra-thicc dogmom > Feel a bit better It may be kinda silly, but thanks for this, lol.


Gorgeous ♡