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Hello all! Welcome to new Patrons, returning Patrons, and those who have been around a while! Here's a brief rundown on what's happening this month here on my Patreon and beyond!

The Costume Shop

I uploaded the first 3 pages, and am getting back into the swing of roughing out the next pages now! I'd like to go back to making these relatively quickly, as it's a nice long chapter, so I'm reducing some of the dialogue to focus more on jokes, and making each page a self contained "gag"

Funhouse Of Frights

KICKSTARTER IS COMING EARLY NEXT YEAR! I already have some sexy new cover art you might have seen, and I'm 8 pages away from finishing the comic with some belly pudge vore absorption!

NSFW Vote For This Month

Haven't planned out the poll yet, might do some more Funhouse for fun, or we could start in another batch of Voreology if you'd like to see more of Preston and Abracus? I was also thinking about doing sexy selfies or pinups with certain characters? What would YOU like to see as the theme of the month?

I'm Going To Midwest FurFest in Chicago!

I plan on attending all three vore events including hosting my Vore Panel on the Friday Night! If you haven't seen it yet, be sure to come see it live! I'd love to meet fans in person! I'll be walking around as Marshmallow as much of the time, and checking out similar panels on kinks and rubber and inflation and such.


I have a backlog of commissions I'm already working on, however money is tight, always has been, and I need to pick up even more for the next month or two. It will take me a while to get through them all, but I'll make sure to do a bit of my stuff, and a bit of other stuff.

That's all for now! As usual, if you wanna read or share comics, please use my official site here:


and my new Itch.io store replacing my shut down Gumroad one:


Hit me up if you have any questions or wanna see me draw more or less of anything in particular!



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