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Hello you delicious morsels you! Welcome to another month of kinky comics and art! I'll try and keep things brief for this one!


I'm going to MFF this weekend, I'm doing The Vore Panel on the Friday night at 10pm, last thing of the night, check your Sched for details, PLEASE come say hi to me if you're there, I love meeting people in person!

Last month's NSFW Comic

It's almost done, WIP will be going up today, and I should have it done by the end of tonight!

There will NOT be a new vote this month, I need to take a break, but hit me up through messages here on Patreon for any ideas you have for my characters, I'll sketch a few out!

Funhouse of Frights

There are 6 pages left in this comic! I'm adding a bonus page as well since people asked why Kevin and Yasha didn't get TF'd into a kinky circus costume, so that will happen afterwards. Once it's done, I'm going all in on the new book and Kickstarter!

All my other comics

I apologize they have taken such a back seat, my financial situation is pretty low and I needed to pick up more commissions and graphic design work here and there. I also spent too much time on running theatre projects over the summer. I have SO many comics written and ready to draw, but my process of roughs and sketching takes much longer now cause of how much better I have gotten as an artist. Rest assured I know this and am working on it.


Just as soon as I catch up, another batch comes in as both Patrons redeem credits or I need to pick up more to steady my finances. I'm trying to find a healthy balance. As I said before though, my commissions are still my work, and so I'm going to start posting SFW and NSFW commissions to the respective tiers here, so you're getting your tiers worth.

That's all for now, I'll follow up with you all in posts throughout the month!

As usual, hit me up in messages or on Discord!




Being called a delicious morsel made me blush icl