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I don't bring it up much in universe, but PHAP is the Professional Hero Apprentice Program in the world of Kid Quicksand. It's why Kid is teamed up with Greyscale, Bubbleguns, and Arashi, and has Mr. Scales as a mentor.

I wanted the logo to look like a fist possibly fapping (masturbating) however the first version was just a fist and more to the point, it looked exactly like the Black Lives Matter fist. So I took the time now to re-vamp it, moving less from a blocky icon and more of a simplified graphic style, with action lines indicating a fist jerking it, and a more comic-y looking font.

I've updated the first pages of Kid Quicksand where he enters the base to replace it with this logo, and the logo can be something I put on a pin or button in the future should people wish to have one!



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