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To those of you celebrating with turkey, have a wonderful feast. And I hope anyone who doesn't celebrate with the sacrifice of the delicious and noble bird will have an extra helping at dinner or a second breakfast. To make sure my family gains a few pounds, I barbecued pork ribs last night and dreamed of having magical smoking skills.

Because of the craziness of running a retail store and our annual Tue-Fri sale I was way to stressed to write for the last two days. Sunday and Monday I'll have two days off and will get back to my writing and see about making up for missing today.

I have quite a few fun things planned for both Milo and the Sedgewick Crew.
Milo must endure the stress and terror of 'Silent Ninja Day' while Ozzy and his friends need to get back to grinding their levels. There is one dungeon in Gadobhra that can offer them the best challenge.



Hope you enjoy the time with your family, it goes too quick.

Blue Talon

I think I had a dream about Silent Ninja Day. Milo was in a suit and tie and was doing some wierd buy out deals with Victor.

Blue Talon

If you want to know more, it was mixed with Infinity Train, and he was trying to buy back the alphabet gang, who were being drugged the same way Belinda was. Really weird.


ERm - No. To wanting to know more - sorry. But at least it's way way less weird than my dreams and less stabby than my partners


enjoy your time off, and I look forwards to more Milo Genesis hijinks.

Blue Talon

I was just surprised that I remembered my dream and it was about Milo.


What's this? You don't have a fully self aware demonic barbeque pit? I'm not mad...I'm just disappointed. Hope your Thanksgiving turns out great, regardless.