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Thinking of changing my Patreon tiers, need feedback

  • Keep things like they are. 47
  • Set-up new five-dollar tiers for each story, getting all 20+ advanced chapters. 154
  • Set-up the new tiers, but keep the Butcher level and lock it. 21
  • 2025-01-08
  • 222 votes
{'title': 'Thinking of changing my Patreon tiers, need feedback', 'choices': [{'text': 'Keep things like they are.', 'votes': 47}, {'text': 'Set-up new five-dollar tiers for each story, getting all 20+ advanced chapters.', 'votes': 154}, {'text': 'Set-up the new tiers, but keep the Butcher level and lock it.', 'votes': 21}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 1, 8, 4, 30, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 222}


And no, despite Patreon constantly telling me to keep up with inflation and raise my prices, I'm not thinking about it. (They really do, it's annoying.)

Currently, there's some work in having different tiers for the same story, and I know it annoyed some people. I went from 5 to 10 chapters but then added another 10 in the top tier. A few people wanted to stay at five dollars but didn't like knowing there were more chapters available.

If I change things, (and unsure right now, hence asking for feedback) I would have a separate five-dollar tier for Butcher and Tunnel Rat, getting all 20+ chapters ahead. I would do the same for the new story I'm working on. So if you like one story, pay five dollars and get all the advance chapters.

The ten-dollar tier stays the same, getting all the advanced chapters for both stories along with any new stories. Much less work for me, and more flexibility for readers.

The other option, which I'm not keen on, is to set up the new tiers, but keep the Butcher tier and lock it. People who have it could keep it, but it would slowly phase out. (And I'd still be doing the work of editing posts three times to give access and make announcements.)



Less admin for you means more time for other things. More other things leads to more chapters.

The El Bandito

Consider making a discord server with the different levels and stories for people to discuss the chapters.


Really don’t know how to vote… I did go up to the $10 one to get all the chapters but to be honest I feel like I got my moneys worth so I’m with the guy upstairs. Do what you have to to make it less stressful on you… PS enjoying the chapters.


This, I'm happy giving you $10 as you pump out chapters so whatever is easiest for you.


I am a bar keeper tier as i love both your stories and looking forward to the new stuff so nothing changes for me. But when tunnel rat was first coming out I hadn't warmed up to it and was annoyed to receive updates for something I didn't care about so haveing it split for people who only want one story is appreciated. However it's also kind of unfair to force people to tier up or chose what story they want at five dollars so keeping and locking butcher tier is the right thing to do. Why punish the old fans.


I tried to do the seperate tiers for each story, and it turned into a lot more work than it was worth.

Corwin Amber

You need another choice of: do whatever makes it best for you the author :)

Ormus Von Orbulon

I'm tremendously fond of both your stories, and when I joined, I yearned to grab the full package. Yet, partly due to inflation, my means have grown somewhat meagre... I purchased the first tier that allowed me more of both, a year in advance with a small wince, and I'm not sure exactly what your changes would mean for me. If I abruptly lost access to either Butcher or Rat along with my money, I would be very upset.

Michael Clark

Naw, would not do anything that would cost people money. Extremely unfair and counter productive. :)


In my case, I went with 5$ tier to get all butcher chapters, rat was nice addition. As chapters are slow, I like to binge read and was very upset with change last year, when I found out. Selkie managed it very nice: All people who got all chapters were moved to locked tier while new ones had new prices (and that is reason why I support him, even if I did not read BTEM in long time). So imo both would be best. Lock butcher and create separate tiers for each story.


Me i was a big rat tunnel fan. It's only because butcher was available with patreon that I bothered to read it. With out them being combined I'd have never read it. Now I like both. I'd like to keep both. Have you considered what some other authors do? 3 tiers. 1 = 10 chapters ahead. 2= 20 chapters ahead 3= 30 chapters ahead. This generates you more money, as many take tier 1 then realise their are more chapters at the next tier then eventually take the top one to get them all. Where I did that it went £4 ; £8 ; £12. So ended up costing me £24 initially. But no complaints as the description clearly stated how many ahead each tier got. So my choice. To be honest if you split them I'd drop butcher if you split them. I follow 5 authors at a time and having to pay separately for rat and butcher would be frustrating now to say the least.


I'm only a tunnel rat fan. I like it when I can get all of the chapters for five bucks.


I'm liking the "Butcher of Sedgewick" option, altohugh I may well consider upgrading to a higher option over the next few months.


I like the "Butcher of Sedgewick" option, which I'm currently subscribed to. Although I am likely to upgrade to a more advance option over the next few months, just for the extra Chapters. What can I say, your an excellent story teller. One alternative you may consider, is a Spin Off from both series, because if you have two seperate story lines, is three that much more work? Although having said that, I would think about it, and plan it out slowly and carefully. More so as both your current story paths have their own audiences, and for those like myself, who enjoy both. Although yes, the Five Dollar option for either story line, for Twenty Chapters, seems fair.

Kellen Clifford

Personally I dropped the patreon because it became 10$. It’s about seeing the chapters as they are the most fresh, not about just having more chapters to read. 10$ for the same thing just felt like money grubbing.

Jaysen Knight

As long as you keep the Minion tier I be okay.


I read both Tunnel Rat and Butcher and currently have the “Butcher of Sedgewick” tier. For me, a “five dollar” tier is actually closer to ten dollars in my currency. Having to pay multiple “five dollar” options would be getting too spendy for me. I’d like to be able to keep the current tier that I’m on, even if that means fewer chapters per story than a single story tier. So I much prefer the third option.


As someone who supports multiple authors on this platform I am leaning towards the latter two options. From day one I joined the highest tier possible because I love your storying telling for Butcher and the added boon of tunnel rat and star commander 6 truly made my decision worth every shilling I can give. While I know everyone has different financial priorities I think the decision is ultimately up to you as your community should honor & understand it. Also 1000% kudos for asking us our opinion rather than making the switch as it shows how amazing you are as a person & author 💯!Thank you!!


I didn't vote. I'm at the top tier, I will remain with both at 5 dollars if you change it. For me, nothing will change, and I can't imagine not getting the chapters hot off the presses, I love both stories.