The difference between Rough Drafts and Final Versions (Patreon)
My writing process goes something like this
1) Daydream about the story while driving, resting, and supposedly doing work. Create some ideas I'd like to write about.
2) Have a general idea where the story is going for the next 20 chapters, getting more detailed the closer it gets to the ideas.
3) Jot down roughly what happens, a few sentences at best, give it a chapter number, and save on Royal Road. I'm usually 3-4 chapters ahead like this.
4) Start writing a chapter, don't worry about typos, or problems. Just write.
5) Move stuff around, add tables.
6) Put in Word and fix easy to find mistakes.
7) Toss Rough Draft to Patreon.
After that, there are a few days where I'm polishing earlier chapters, reading comments, stealing ideas from readers, and looking for plot holes a 10 year-old could drive a truck through.
8) Re-write the chapter. Change phrasing. Use better words and structure. Ask the question "Would Milo care?" and "Do I even need this sentence in the story?" Trim. Change. Make better.
9) Back to Word, fix problems.
10) Put up finished story on Royal Road, and get to work on the next chapter.
So the rough drafts here will be 90% the same story, but may have some differences, and certainly read a bit rougher.