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When I started Patreon I didn't know much about it, and sort of copied what other people did. But after doing it for some time, I'm thinking of changing things around.
I'd like to structure things by story.
-An option for supporting BOG with 10+ chapters ahead
-An option for TR with 10+ chapters ahead.
-And an option for both stories, 10+ chapters ahead.

I've had some complaints from people that they like one story or another, and would like to just have updates for that story. I have 3300 followers for Butcher, 3500 for Tunnel Rat, and 1300 who like both. So, it makes sense to have those three catagories, and if you like only one of those stories you get only the updates, comments and extras for that story. Probably 5.00, 5,00 and 9.00 for the costs.

Thoughts on what you would like or not like about this?



I love both books, and think if you can maintain a pace of 10+ chapters ahead on both books it should work.


I follow both stories. I subscribe to read them both. If I had to pay more to get both of them I would probably unsubscribe


There is a literary technique I've allways known as "meanwhile back at the ranch" it involves having 2 plots running simultaneously, and switching between them for pacing, tension, and storyflow control. I noticed that you have done this almost subconsciously with your two stories. When I get bored or tired with one story I can switch to the other. I've also noticed that you like write more chapters of the other story when one is at a peak in order to control the pacing. This works for me because I read both stories at the same time as you release chapters. If you adjust the patreon so some people get one or the other, you may interfere with this techniques effect. I personally wouldn't be affected because I think you are a good author who is writing two very good stories.


Also wouldn’t it be beneficial to have both options inherently available to boost retention if one story arc isn’t quite hitting it? Like say people didn’t like the smoke arc of butcher, they had the devolving situation in tunnel rat. I think it is beneficial to cross pollinate your readership.


Depends on the update schedule. Several times the read ahead has been hours instead of days, and in that case, not really a read ahead. If there were a regular update schedule on RR and here where the time factor was in play, it would be a real value.


I don’t have high confidence in it. You are a writer of passion. You release chapters when you write them. You invented a crazy arc because it just came to you and kind of happened. Idk if you can set a release schedule and keep 10 chapters ahead in each.


If you could set the schedule and go for 8$ for both I’d probably bite though


I just care about being current with the story because Patreon does not give notifications if you are behind in tiers. It’s kind of annoying.


$5 per month is the max I’ll pay to any story/author rough drafts (unless they output 200+ pages of content a month, almost no one does). I refuse to pay full published book prices for rough draft chapters. In all Honesty you’ll probably loose more than you’ll gain by creating a higher cost tier with “more chapters”, it’s not like you’ll be writing twice as fast and producing 2x as many chapters as a lower tier every month. it’s really just asking for double the price. But hey it’s your story, your patron, you do you.

Michael Clark

I would love to see a lot of revamp of Patreon, at least for writing. I think RR is working on some sort of app with similar support options, but for now it's Patreon. The lack of a good editor makes it difficult. Some stuff just never turns out right.


There are ways to do this. There is an option to resend an email for an updated/edited chapter on the author side but it goes to everyone rather then just the new tier added.


Total chapters ahead is probbaly the best way something like 10 for the primary story and 5 for the secondary if you want to stagger it like that for the "all chapter" tier.

Michael Clark

Right now, there really is no secondary story. The two stories go back and forth in the lists. Milo has pulled ahead in ratings, but Ozzy is usually higher in Most Popular. Roughly the same followers and ratings.

Nicolai Buch-Andersen

Honestly, I'm just a patreon because I like the stories and think you deserve the support. The reading experience on patreon is so bad that I usually only read on RR anyway (small, non-adjustable font, no way to mark chapters as read or track progress, ...). I'm aware that this is outside of your control. The only thing I can think of that you can do is to tag your chapters with "butcher" and "rat" respectively. Then I think it's possible to filter the list of posts for one or the other, which would help.