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Once again risking his soul and sanity, Kensai has made a suggestion.

What is your opinion on the name of the new coffee and pie shop in Hungry Town?
Can you train a ghoul to serve coffee and not eat a customer? Do we even want to find out what a ghoul bakes in a pie?



I voted for Mama's Brewhouse, as written in the chapter. But I'll toss out The Last Stop Coffee Shop if you're looking for names, just to help you have more options.

Jeffrey Worrall

Just call it Mama's (as an aside, if you get the chance go to Mother's in New Orleans, great food)

David Gleiberman

It seems to be more coffee house then brew house


I concede to your superior naming skills. I accept Mama’s Brew House and may the cups never grow cold.


Depends on the vibe of the place. I’m assuming the bakery will have fruit and sweet pastry, so will the Pie shop have savory meat pies, perfect for on the go eating? Pork pies, steak and kidney, empanadas, samosas, shepherds. Something like Bucks for a savory pie store and Fawn’s for the bakery. As they said earlier, moving from creepy to rustic


Savory pies are the best: Runzas, Gyozas, Chinese dumplings, Cachitos, oh the list of gastric joy goes on!