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Some of you leave me feedback on the chapters, and a few times I reply. But everything you write, I read, and think about.  Some things I won't agree with. Other times I wonder how my writing brought someone to a conclusion. Why is this liked? But not this? It all gets pondered and in may cases makes me look things over. In some cases it has changed the direction of a character. If I don't answer, or seem to disagree, your feedback is still read and thought about. Especially if I disagree with it, because it makes me question things and look at other possibilities.  And I will shamelessly admit that I steal ideas from some comments. Thank you for those.

I'm currently going over all the comments from the chapters that laid out some of the future of Butcher of Gadobhra. This point in the story is like a huge mountain I have to climb, and then it's downhill and easy writing for a long time. Which I think we are all anxious to get to.
And now I'm off to write.



I like tunnel rat and I feel like butcher of godabra has gotten very segmented with each chapter hopping to a different point of view and I’d like to follow one for more than one chapter


Oh, I love BoG! After each chapter, I get nervous because I don't know how long I'll have to wait for the next one! Real! TR is nice too, but BoG is the best! Would love to give some ideas, but damn, so far the story is better than anything I can think of! 👍🏼Morrisch