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As mentionned in the post right before, there will be a term this month, a surprise one, that I'm super excited about.
I'm sorry for the lack of posts this months, but having the coventions followed up by big projects I can't share yet, was really hard to manage.

I have a bunch of messages and DM to answer, and of course finish he pack to send to everyone.
I'll make sure to answer the messages tomorrow!
Sorry for the delay and thank you for your support 🥰



Weldy00 (Matt)

Thank you so much for your hard work Mitsu! I'm super excited for all the projects, can't wait to see em! Make sure to rest when you finish! ❤️❤️

King Crimson

No worries, conventions need some time for recover, and big projects are always time consuming Hope you managed to rest after the conventions 🥺


Thank you for the update!


Thank you everyone 💕

M Suzuki

Thank you for the update!