May 2024 Voting
- A sequel to when twilight was with changeling versions of her friends, all of them are now changeling, twilight or all of them are pregnant 24
- Anything with cream heart 4
- Anything with Fluttershy 6
- Gallus is dressing up as Princess Skystar, in the backround hangs an very revealing maid Outfit 8
- Roxie suiting up as Rainbow Dash 4
- Soarin' and Spitfire both pulling down at a pair of gifted speedos or such, surprised by having each other's genitals 8
- Sombra dressed up as Princess Cadance white Shining Armor is dressed as Chrysalis 25
- fem button mash tied up in bed and blindfolded, sweetie belle teasing them 10
- Spyra and Cynder bondage 5
- Rainbow Dash, using a transformed in to love doll Soarin in the locker room while Spitfire enjoys the show. 20