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I'm putting this up before I forget about it
I'm already home, and working on last month's winner, i'll try to finish it today but if i cant it'll be done on monday
Here's a rough wip of its current state:

Anyway, onto the next month:

PLEASE read the list of not allowed characters below:

Give me a whole scenario, WITHOUT ALTS, 4 characters max, and in a couple of weeks we'll vote on the winner this month. Please try to keep it short if possible (the fields in the poll have a max of 140 characters)

Characters bellow CANNOT be used this month:

  • Button Mash

  • Sweetie Belle

  • Pipsqueak

  • Rumble

  • Trixie

  • Rarity

  • Sombra

  • Shining Armor

  • Chrysalis

  • Cadance

Any other characters from this list are okay, and other non mlp characters that I've used before. Basically if you can link me to a model you can suggest it



Futa Spyra and Cynder bondage, 3 to 5 pieces if possible


A revised version of my suggestion from last month. Female Thorax and Ocellus in bikinis. They're comparing breast sizes now that Thorax is the new leader.


Rainbow Dash (intersex), using a transformed in to love doll Soarin (female) in the locker room while Spitfire (intersex) enjoys the show.