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Hey guys! Figured I'd post a quick little update to explain why there haven't been any posts for a week or so.

So last wednesday I went on a trip to visit friends and my boyfriend, and in the meantime my parents decided to renovate my bedroom. It was supposed to be finished by last sunday. It wasn't. So while my room is still being worked on, I can't use my main computer or make art, since my laptop barely handles SFM.
I should be back to making stuff this weekend, and i'll go straight to work on Patreon rewards, and this month 3 people cashed in. So expect that!
After that, I'll take some time to work on personal things (maybe a halloween image or two, if there's enough time), then after that it's back to commissions.

So, see you guys in a few days. I'm still kinda active in my discord server so if you wanna talk, that's the place


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