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Once again, pulling from the trove of WIP Kabnis I have created, I've refined this week's Kabni; the Lok'Obs! A manifestation of Mob Mentality, this aberration is designed to be used in crowds or mobs, and serve as an encounter that can quickly overwhelm a party if they are not careful.

Although they don't do a ton of a damage, and don't have a ton of health, these Kabni are all about being a part of the crowd, and the more of them that there are, the more dangerous these Lok'obs are! Furthermore, if they are killed, there is even the chance that they can split, making the mob even more dangerous!

With a lot of fun details regarding sight, individuality, and what constitutes being a part of the 'mob,' these guys will definitely make for a fun creepy encounter! I can already imagine describing to my players how in the distance they see a group of several dozen shambling humanoids that all look exactly the same, with smooth pallid faces with no distinguishable features or hair, that are screaming the same phrase back that one of the party members accidentally said while they were on watch!

Hopefully y'all can get some use out of this creepy aberration made to be used in mob fights!



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