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I did all this research about the anatomy of the thoracic cavity, how shock presented, what adrenaline would do to the system, what was reasonable to survive, etc, agonized over what would be realistic for Athena/Al in this scenario, and then used almost none of it because Al is a demon! It's already been established he doesn't operate like your standard issue human when it comes to injury. I hope you'll indulge one singular page of fantasy medical drama before we get back to the kinds of angst I'm familiar with, haha. I did have fun with the most chaotic panel layouts we've had in a while as everything collapses in around our little crew. Anyway Athena's really earning her good review with the worst patient she's ever had right about now




Awwwwwww FUCK! I was just going to bed! 😱🤯


Love the note about your research, Asmo. It does inform how Athena thinks about the situation (initially, at least).



Mx. Benign

alright, this is so good but also <3 if al is taking the damage.... that means ethan is free, babyyyyy. MALTHUS IS ABOUT TO HAVE THE WORST SURPRISE <33

Lia Graf


Brendan OSullivan

The first three frames slowly falling over? [chef kiss]


GOOOOOODDD NOOOOOOOOOOOOO; DAMN IT, AL!!! TTmTT Malki coming in for the save; thank Kobol for Malki, honestly!!! Saving all our bacons!! TwT You got this, Athena!!! You'll get to hold this over his head til the end of his days every time he gets hurt and his end days are FAR. FAR into the future!!! 💪🏼😤 (...hopefully TmT) Thank you for all of your hard work, Asmo!!! It's been non-stop action, but you've done it all in a way that keeps the storyline engaging and textured with different pacing and shots and reactions, it's just all so *chef's kiss* bella!!! 🫰🏼🎇


How Malthus will react? And Ethan! But this all cliffhanger scene.... I am totally addicted at all this drama.. but i need some happy thoughts

Sarah Krupa

That's okay. Sometimes HUMANS don't operate like your standard issue human. There are so many stories in history about people being shot in the heart but their heart was on the other side or driving themselves to the hospital with a friggin' PIPE sticking out the back of their head and they LIVE. People crazy, brah.