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This page was a lot of fun to do, probably because I didn't have to rush through it this time! And even then my lazy ass didn't want to bother with backgrounds on that last panel. But hey, what can you do.

Ugh it's always so hard to start painting these, I love the ink-only versions of all pages so much better!!
How about you? Do y'all prefer sketched, inked or painted version of artworks in general? I'm curious tbh




These pages are wonderful! I can't wait to see more of the comic. And though I am usually a ink only pal, I must say I appreciate your colouring. I don't know, it just gives me the fuzzies. Though in general I do prefer black and white/lineart only.


Asdfghjkl Maëlys owns me ಥ_ಥ The painted version is so warm, that's my favorite!

Nefarias Bredd

It's so cool to be able to see the different stages! As someone who cant draw for shit, it's very fascinating!


While I like the cleanness of the black and white lines, I feel like colour gives it so much more depth & tells my eyes what to focus on :P plus ur painting is gorgeous !!


I love all three, I really like seeing the process. That being said, I love your style personally, because it's extremely unique, so I like the fully painted pages the best!


Joining in with the previous comments to say that the painted versions are my favorite. Been following your art for a few years now, so I love recognizing and enjoying your style!


I’m a fan of both. It would be interesting to see how/if your storytelling method changed if you’d plan for a section only lines. I love your style and the art is gorgeous. I think it’s just a different feel.