Poll Reward(s): "Beau x Yasha x Imogen" + "Kiki x Vex" (Patreon)
2023-11-26 17:34:03
2023-11-27 06:18:07
aka "Vexleth as tired Tal'Dorei councilmembers", and "a canon-complient scenario where the Bells Hells meet with the M9 again for a mission"
Thank you everyone who voted in the poll!!! As usual, it was a fun one :)
And thank you to everyone who shared specific scenarios and ideas for the beau/yasha/imogen artwork! i ended up picking the "jealousy" aspect of most requests, as you can see lmao but it helped my brain getting un-stuck so thank you!!!
Lots of love, stay safe and stay kind ♥