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When the king of the Orcs wakes up, he needs new brides to serve him, so a select few around the world will succumb to an ancient spell that will raise them as the new Orc brides...


Nadia into Narzul
Anna into Amgah
Tifanny into Thargahd
Sharon into Sagrath
Ursula into Ulbaga
Tara into Thargora
Maya to Mak'yag
Geraldine into Gad'sha
Luna into Lub'sha
Karla into Kar'lug
Diana into Drek'bah
Olga into Ulgah
Lyn into Lu'lam
Ginny & Greta into Grathzak & Ghamdur
Ousamba into Ozorsnag
Laura into Lu'ghak


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