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hi friends!

here is my timed reaction to doctor who season 4 episode 9 "forest of the dead"

wow i LOVED this 2 parter, it might be my favorite in the series so far!!!! very conflicted on how we ended it though!

thanks for watching with me!


Tim Scott

Remember this episode, coming back and watch it again after the end of season 9.


My thoughts on the ending, i believe the whole reason why Donna's & CAL's experience of the 'virtual reality' was because the system was in 'sleep mode' since the shadows had completely taken over. Remember Dr. Moon was mentioned to be a 'virus checker' and a virus checker will not let you update if it believes a virus (the shadows) will infect the saved data. Therefore the people were saved and were therefore in a saved state/they never changed because data never changes unless it's updated. Now back to the ending, River and her gang, unlike with Donna, are in a system free of the shadows and therefore it can update naturally, ie they will age and will eventually pass away.


My favourite part of this reaction was your almost continual recoil as the notion of "spoilers". Basically, whoa, wait, should I be learning this at this point. Which is hilariously and instinctively fun, and totally a flip on the much intended perspective of things. A non linear story delivered, with two characters at different points of their journey at experiencing it. Cause to effect is askew. A "Molto bene" writing tool for interesting stories. We see things from The Doctor's perspective most of the time. So when they learn it, we learn it. If they are happy to let us be clued in of course. Maybe it's whispered inaudibly to tease us there's something to know. Or just by laying down potential breadcrumbs to maybe picked up later. Or not at all. Because what's fun, yet tragic, and as you pointed out. For us, this is the beginning of Rivers story, and yet it is also the end in a manner of speaking. That brings us to the idea of the data core, within which she now resides. Maybe its creation, and I think this is both twisted and beautiful. The very idea of having no ending, is, as you put it, unnatural. Perspective is maybe key. Charlotte's physical life came to end. Prematurely, is the critical motivator for her grandfather. The ability to be able to create a computer version of her, that she is in all intents and purposes in total control of. I do think that the corruption to her existence was the compassionate decision to save all those people. With that resolved, she's possibly more stable in her existence. Now, to the question of "never ending". Who's choice is it to define our own ideas on the concept of heaven. Then there's free will, choice and consent. Was Charlotte given the choice to be transmogrified into another existence. Great question. Did we have a choice in whether to be born or not. Do we have a full unbinding control over when it ends. We know the answers to those last two questions. Charlotte's grandfather was a technical genius who maybe didn't ask the right questions around the idea of can and should I do this. The other side of that moral coin, is the idea that he gave full control over her existence to her, after her untimely passing. With that gift she saved 4022 people. ⚖️ A notable point of the episode for me. River says "You watch us run!" When 10 finds out a future version of them saved a digital version of her in the screwdriver. And we can't help but enjoy the reality that they only know to do this because of "spoilers". He runs at full speed with her to save her life. A chefs kiss moment. Doctor Moon is 'maybe' an ill-defined character and writing choice in this episode. It's been subquently clarified, if what I read is accurate. Apparently Moffat did explain his ideas to Russell T Davies in an email. But not to the audience as part of this story. I'm not concrete on when if ever is the best narratively significant moment to know the intent behind his character. As we didn't know it at the time, I'm pausing on the choice to share that tidbit.


It really is like 90% trauma this season, poor Donna, she's been through the wringer! Hopefully they had some more whimsical adventures off screen because if I was her I'd be asking to go home at this point!


Such a great two parter that really sticks out as a strong memory from watching as a kid. And bloody hell, Donna and the Doctor (especially Donna) don't half go through it this series do they? For fear of hyping it up, dare I say that the next episode is perhaps my favourite episode of Doctor Who.

Sean o'donnell-field

My daughter caught the last part when he runs to the book and sonic and that last part intrigued her to what dad was watching....thus began her love of this series...a little whovian was born that day. And her crush on number 10.

Katie Niekamp

This is definitely one of my favorite stories of all of doctor who. It's scary, emotional, intriguing, and fun. The mystery is so good and gripping until the end. Plus it sets up questions...


yes, it is really interesting to think about! i'm still not sure 100% of how i feel about charlotte's grandfather's choice. it really is a tough scale to balance morally


That's what makes it even more the enduring proposition. Can the question ever be answered. As Donna said to The Doctor, in the Planet of the Ood episode. "It's wierd, being with you. I can't tell what's right and what's wrong anymore." Again, The Doctor's response is key to how we could see it, as I often think it can be.