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hi everyone happy sunday!!!!

christmas is this week! super exciting! while i will be taking several days off this week videos will be posted as normal even with an extra christmas movie drop!

here's the schedule!

monday: frieren episode 6
tuesday: doctor who season 4 episode 15
wednesday: die hard
friday: frieren episode 7
saturday: doctor who season 4 episode 16

i hope anyone that celebrates has a great holiday this week! have a great week!



Can’t wait for you to start series 5 of doctor who, it’s a completely new showrunner and vibe to the show


Any week with an Emme Dr Who double bill is a good week


Season five for me is easily my favourite season and season six for some of there episodes it’s what I’m most looking forward too


For me season 4 is amazing but it’s in my top there due to well I can’t say till the creator starts season 5 as it would be unfair

Jack Mingle

s5 onwards is my favorite, even though I was super into s1-4, it raised the bar.

Aldo Gonzales

This year we’re getting Christmas and Hanukkah on the same week. May I suggest Guardians Volume 3 for New Years’ Eve? It’d be the perfect way to close out the year.


that will be the next movie! will likely be the week after since it's the holidays i don't think i would be able to get that done in time