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Hello plappers, hope you've all been doing well. 😊

So this is a first shot of the animation I'm doing in collaboration with another animator. I'll be the main animator on this one! 🤩

Watch the preview with sound below :

WATCH HERE (Runtime : 20s)

This is just the beginning of the project, so remember, nothing is final. Even the sound design and the VA pack I used and all are temporary (yeah the sound design itself will not change too much though...) We plan to make it last way longer, so stay tuned!

Stay well and happy plapping! 🍑



George C

Like always do it a amazing work 🤙🏿

Zephyr E. Levin

If it isn't 🍑🍆... this POV at least gives off that illusion (so, good enough for me) 😌🙏💗💗💗💗💗

Pierre Despereaux

This is so good. I subbed way back when your did your first long widowmaker animation and have been waiting for another since! Thank you so much!


Oh we getting it- amazing work boss. Can't wait for the finished product.


you are literally the GOAT... very very few are even in the conversation of animating as well as you


Thank you!! There are a lot of way better animators out there, but THANK YOU ANYWAY!! ❤️😭