HMS Victory Part 1 Early Access (Patreon)
Dear Patrons,
I am very pleased to share Part 1 of HMS Victory - The Total Guide!
I think I can say no other Epic History TV project has been quite so ambitious, challenging, thrilling, frustrating or lengthy to make as this one! It's involved many days of research, location photography, long talks with the National Museum of the Royal Navy and National Maritime Museum, the services of two highly-skilled 3D artists, plus many late nights in edit.
The result is something like a virtual tour of HMS Victory, with as much info about the ship and navy packed in as I could manage. And don't forget, this is only Part 1! Part 2 will have more info on the crew, sailing and fighting the ship, and life at sea.
I look forward to your feedback, and Merch for Typos is in effect (excluding Topsail Yard which I already spotted). There are, inevitably, some small inaccuracies in the 3D model (those topsail yards should be much higher, and crewing the ship was not possible) but I hope these will be excused by naval connoisseurs.
I always try to give Patrons a week's early access, but due to circumstances beyond my control, it's only 24 hours in this case, so apologies for that.
Many thanks for your support, and I hope you enjoy the video.