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In an effort to make things transparent, I'd like to inform everyone what is planned for the future.

During the month of May, there will be a short comic of TTC for all the Tiers every Monday.

In addition, supporters at the 5€+ level will recieve a main comic on Wednesday, right now that will be "Wonders of Transition". Furthermore, they will recieve a voter's sequence comic, which will be "Photo Fantasy".

Poll for the voter's comic will go up on Friday in addition to the comic update, and will run till Wednesday the next week, at which point, I will tally the result and produce the next update.

Once completed, Comics from the 5€+ Tiers will be avaiable to the 3€ Tier as well, and will go live outside of Patreon one week later.

Hope that clears things up for everyone.



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