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It's not Thursday, but it is Tuesday. And no one ever said Tuesday can't be Throbbing either, so let's do another Tech Update! 

And this one is twice as interesting because it is directly connected to the upcoming Release 2. 

One of the upcoming features is internal shots. After all, seeing our brave hero getting boned is one thing, but seeing that futa stick doing its work *inside* him is a whole other league. Today, I want to show you how to get a basic internal shot like that. Our brave MC and a certain unnamed goblin girl will be helping us to illustrate. 

Earlier, in the "Not-so-short update," I already mentioned I had started experimenting with the assets required for such scene, but that was only the internal view itself (and one rather girthy lady). So what do you actually need for a whole scene like that?

First, we need the scene itself. This is how the render comes out. Kind of bland, just meh:

Then, we need the internal itself. Same applies:

Now, we finally tie these two together:

It is starting to shape up quite nicely, isn't it? 

Finally, let's do some proper post-work. And here is the final thing in all its slippery, green, and creamy glory:

But that is not all for today!

As I told you in the previous tech update, I have been working on improving my soft body collisions. And I have made some progress in simulating body-to-body collisions. So here is Tessa, again with our MC, showing the progress done in that regard (+bonus: hand-holding!):

And here is Lise showing how it looks from the other side. A sitting butt should now look more like a sitting butt.

Thinking about it, Lise could be a pretty good pinup girl!

All of these features will be widely used from Release 2 and onwards!

As always, in case of any questions, suggestions, or ideas, do not hesitate to let me know!
