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It's that time again; let's have a first sneak peek at Release 3!

Today, we will look at the infamous ship graveyard, its common and uncommon dangers, and what will our brave MC face there.

So, what is actually the ship graveyard? Well, I'm glad you asked! There is an endless asteroid belt on the far side of the rock into which PSX is dug. For most of the Periphery, it is a place to mine the Rubydite, but also many other valuable materials. From numerous precious metals and minerals to more ordinary but still much-needed resources like ice, titanium, or iron, the belt is a rich stake for any brave miner. However, just a short flight away from the station, where the belt is especially thick, is a place that is often claimed as cursed.

Ages ago, it was a site of a great battle between a long-forgotten pirate lord and then young Union authorities. Dozens of ships were destroyed in the process, and hundreds of spacers were lost to the vacuum of space.

But as with anything else in the Periphery, the battlefield soon attracted first scavengers. These salvagers stripped the destroyed spaceships of everything that held a price, towed those that could be repaired, and moved on. Still, the gutted husks of the largest vessels remained.

Since then, the place began to be used as a dumping ground for ships damaged beyond repair, where any spacer can get rid of their burned-out radioactive fuel or leaking batteries and where pirates simply leave their less valuable prizes. Over the years, it became heaven and haven for all kinds of salvagers.

The infamy of the ship graveyard only grew further when the place later seemingly began to attract failed interstellar jumps. Numerous ships plough into the mangled web of metal and rock every cycle. This led many denizens of the nearby PS-10 to offer emergency assistance to any pilot whose ship survived the crash. For a price, you'll get a ticket to the station. However, if you are unwilling or unable to pay, well, there are many less scrupulous ones waiting to finish you off and take everything valuable you own.

The ship graveyard will also be a place to earn a fortune for yourself. Your first job there will come from Ginny. The raven-haired smuggler will even go to lengths to provide you with a ship. Or, more specifically, borrow you one. And by ship, I mean an ancient one-seater that was probably old long before you were born. Still, it's space-worthy and you know how to fly it.

But before you venture into the "Cold," you must get a salvaging hardsuit. How will you obtain it, and from whom? That will depend on you! But one thing is sure, it won't be for free.

So, what kind of dangers are waiting for you there?

Well, that depends on whom you ask. Most will warn you about the more mundane unpleasantries. Like crashing into the omnipresent space debris, staying away from the pockets of extreme radiation, or trying to avoid gangs of scavengers who would not only take all your valuables but also would love nothing less than getting a new boytoy for their crew.

There is no "average scavenger." Their gangs are as diverse and chaotic as the Periphery itself.

Others would warn you about criminals who use the ship graveyard as a hiding place, about crazed hermits and loners living on the dead ships, or about dangerous aliens with who knows what goals in their minds. Some could talk about pirates who use the place as a dumping ground. And there might be people who would warn you about more esoteric risks - like the infamous Stretchers, who supposedly roam the cursed place, seeking new victims.

But we all know they are only urban legends, are they not?

So, why would you ever even venture into such a place?

One, it is generally unhealthy to say no to Ginny when she asks you to do a job for her. Especially if you already owe her money.

Two, no matter the risk, the graveyard is where one can earn a LOT of money fast.

Three, you can learn quite a lot about a spacer craft there, including zero-g work and salvaging, both highly valuable skills.

You will be able to do the first (of many) missions in the ship graveyard in Release 3! And, like with any proper adventure, it will contain its own storyline, multiple sex scenes, and much sought-after "bad" ends!

Like always, in case of any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to ask!
