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Hey everyone!

I'm a couple days late here in between moving things, but the BONUS free model of the month is up on various platforms now! The bonus free model of the month is always a rotation of older, previously released and now public and paid models, that come back around for free for a limited 1 month time!

So if you haven't grabbed this guy already, you can nab him for free until the end of April on:

Cults3D: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/art/flexi-butterfly-dragon-articulated-dragon

MMF: https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-flexi-butterfly-dragon-335541

Makerworld: https://makerworld.com/en/models/415906#profileId-318082

Printables: https://www.printables.com/model/833893-flexi-butterfly-dragon-articulated-dragon

I hope y'all like this guy! He's one of my most popular dragons if you haven't picked him up yet.

Let me know what other models y'all would like to see circle back around for free each month!

Thanks so much for all your support <3

  • Kek



Kuu Wolf

A friend just showed me another model maker's dragon with butterfly wings. Now I can print her one like it! :D


Love this! Already printed one and have a spring colored one on my printer now.