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I'm planning to more of these. <3


Mr. Pendulum

I liked this, not all rambles need faps. So i hope this becomes a thing going forward. Oh and you've been spoiling us this month so don't worry about not being able to record while your mum is visiting, I'd rather know you're enjoying time with family than find out you were stressing about keeping an upload schedule going. As for names in the end credits if it's not to much extra work for you I dont mind my name being there, hell I'd shout praises for you in front of all the people. I might go and freak out afterwards but in the moment no one could stop me from letting people know how great you are. Just let us know when and where you want to hang out with us for your birthday and we'll be there. Any of those options sound like a good time as long as you're there with us. But dont worry if things get busy and you just dont have the time, we dont want your birthday to cause you any extra stress.

Burwinkle Hendershot

It's very pleasant to hear you just talk about your life and what your up to. Thanks for the ramble! I don't mind having my name listed as a supporter on your YouTube. You might want to make it an opt-in thing in case someone is too shy. You're the best, Cin. Love ya to the moon and back.


Absolutely no pressure on commenting. I think I may do something on the discord server but I’m not quite sure yet. I will definitely announce though! And noted, your name will be there ;)


Definitely, the names will be opt in! Yours is on the list now officially. Love love love!