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My first attempt at HFO. Theme: JOI, the AI companion. I mean, CIN.

Starting out as an innocent billboard ad, she seems to have a little more selfish purpose than just making you feel good.

There are no gender mentions but the listener is referred to as handsome, twice. Plus, a good Joe, for that sweet Blade Runner 2049 reference.

Music was made by me! I've been learning piano and music production with this midi keyboard I borrowed from a friend, I'm going to have to give it back next week and I'm currently saving up for my own, if you wanna help out, you can do that here. 🤍 


Mr. Pendulum

I loved the track you made for audio. I'm continually impressed at how much I like all your music you've shared with us. No HFO but you definitely put me in a trance.