Make the Nation - part 5.5 - vote on the name!
- TLON 3
The suggestions are in and we have 3 names to choose from. I'm opening the votes to all paying patrons and will keep the vote open till the end of this week.
I'd like to thank the patrons who took the time to give me suggestions (you know who you are!)
A few of the names also have meanings, so I'll go through those here before the individual entries:
CISNERIA: Cis (latin prefix to indicate something "in our side"), neria (related to black, on account of the nearby Black Mountains)
CAGASTRIA: archaic word meaning a disease born under an ill-star.
TLON: the name of the fictional universe invented by Jorge Luis Borges for his classic short story "Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius."
Go ahead and vote for any of these you like (you can vote for more than one.