Fact Boxes for the Interurban States and Ophar (Patreon)
Here is are fact boxes for the neighbourinf regions known as the Interurban States and Ophar.
These will be the focus of the next high-res and textless atlas maps that will be published next week, exclusively for Acolytes, followed by the normal version and encyclopaedia entries the week after that.
Thanks all for your support :) As always, feel free to point out typos in the comments :)
An Abbreviated History of the regions of Opham, Ophram, Opret, the Tarahid Annexes, and Trakia
c. -1310 RM: following centuries of tyranny under the rule of the otherworlder Bakori Laur, the nation of Erasha fragments. His palace is stormed by slaves, and his lieutenatns are killed. The tyrant is nowhere to be seen.
c. -1000 RM: the Cammorean people emerge in the north of Sammaea, north of the Cammorean mountains after which they are named. Over the ensuing centuries they spread to the west and north, settling the Andiluthan shelf and the plains of Trakia.
c. -900 RM: the caravanserai of Alatean appears over the ruins of Erasha.
c. -400 RM: Alatean is a major influence on the area, taking on the old name of Erasha.
c. -100 RM: Alatean influence spreads for miles around and a capital is established in the coastal city of Hoalan as Alatean begins trading north and east.
0 - 200 RM: growth of Korachan stymies growth of Alatean.
237 RM- parthian subjugation of Erasha, after which it becomes known as Eron Soth.
c. 250 - 500 RM: Opham and Opret become influential cities in Eron Soth.
c. 400 RM: nation of Taraha emerges
423 RM: Tarah is founded by a scion who unites disparate scattered people together under its banner in the city of Tantalum.
473 RM: Korachan takes Parthia after a relatively bloodless coup.
537 RM: azoria (capital of Parthia) is attacked, weakening Parthia. This gives Eron Soth confidence.
542 RM: Eron Soth breaks away from Parthia
592 RM: severance treaty is signed, dividing Eron Soth into two halves, centred around the cities of Opham and Opret - the Territories of Opham and the Principality of Opret, respectively.
c. 600 - 700 RM: opret suffers against lhaus incursions from the south. Meanwhile Opham heavily taxes its people, allowing it to construct major fortifications in the north, against Parhis (then Parthia) and the west, against Cyhlagharr.
608 RM: appearance of otherworlder known as the Steward in Opham. He spreads word of the Child’s Adventism.
611 RM: the Regent is exiled by the ruling council of Opham and disappears.
692 - 779 RM - gallet lines built to defend against oghurs
723 RM: oghurs attack Opret, leading to the destruction of the Iron Mantle line of fortifications.
723 - 941 RM: oghur raids into Opret continue, with slaves taken north over the next two centuries. They leave women and children behind, many of which give birth to half-oghurs, later known as Simeians, who inherit a broken Opret and found the so-called Hidden Nation of An Simeia
729 - 740 RM - Opham is attacked by oghurs following their victories against Opret. The oghurs destroy the fort of Gallet and the surrounding city. Opham seeks the aid of Parthia (occupied by Korachan at the time), forcing it into a defence agreement that staved off the oghut attacks but left it little more than a Korachani puppet.
754 RM: Naal, a city under Ophami control, is besieged by oghurs and its population starves.
757 RM: Parthia forces Opham into vassalage, setting up a new capital in Tentael, leading to a spread of imperial religion and customs
c. 800 RM: the cult of the Child’s Adventism grows in the city of Naal, which experiences economic growth from sea trade across the Sea of Byssos..
851 RM: korachani censors from Opham march into Naal, though the Child’s Adventism has become pervasive, and it has managed to slowly spread into Opham.
853 RM: the Territories of Opham become known as the Kingdom of Opham, following the abolition of the ruling council of the Territories of Opham. The Steward is elected to regent
867 RM: the army of Naal marches into Opham to seek independence. It succeeds, and Naal becomes an independent city-state.
934 RM: Korachan leaves Parthia to the Interreges, who in turn abandon it in 967 RM
934 - c. 1100 RM: controlled by expatriated patricians, Naal grows more powerful as Parthia wanes under the control of the Interregnum.
941 RM: continued oghur attacks on Opret leave it and the half-oghur state of An Simeia devastated, its culture effectively wiped out, its people taken as slaves to Cyhlagharr. The remnants of Opret are taken by Opham, with the north-western-most parts reclaimed by nature.
c. 950 RM: Opretian refugees flee south, settling the dry lands just north of the Roahan Roughlands, establishing the city of Roah.
967 RM: the Interreges leave Parthia and its dependencies, leading to the Kingdom of Opham benefitting - taxes and tithes once given to Korachan kept for itself. It expands south and north, with culling parties sent into old lands of Opret to halt spread of degenerate populations. Tentael thrives.
c. 1000 RM: Roahan merchants travel south, making contract with lhaus enclaves, from where they get secrets of alchemy, which they begin practicing.
Waning sea levels lead to the shelf of Andiluth becoming exposed. Its shallow gradient means that it is revealed at an alarmingly fast rate - averaging a rate of 20-miles a year.
c. 1100 RM: Roah becomes a vital trade city, serving caravans and commerce in the region. It grows and Ophami merchants establish trade-houses in the city, growing powerful.
1121 RM: the free city of Eruto becomes a vassal to Opham, which is trading with influential cities in the retion, including the oghurs of cyhlagharr.
c. 1250 RM- the cities of Olnnad and Holothan emerge as influences in the region.
1274 RM: Ophami merchants purchases the city-state of Roah, cementing its dominance in the region, with the Child’s Adventism seeing hundreds of children elected to position of emperor.
c. 1290 RM: city of Bahal grows in the wake of the Interregnum’s abandonment of the region, emerging in the far N of the present day Tarahid Annexes, between the border between Parthia and the kingdom of Opham.
c. 1300 RM: Holothan becomes known as Ophram.
1462 RM- Olnnad and Holothan purchase trade-rights in Opham, weakening the influence of Tentael. The Child’s court is moved to Holothan in a cultural upheaval.
1465 RM: Olnnad and Ophram divide the trade-route between themselves and the land is sundered, ringing to an end the Kingdom of Opham. The resultant lands are known as Olnnad and the Child’s Realm of Ophram respectively.
c. 1500 RM: Olnnad has merchant offices in Naal.
c. 1510 RM: Bahal starts to diminish in power
1534 RM: Ophrami merchants become powerful political players in Bahal.
1542 RM: Ophrami merchant houses officially take over Bahal.
1552 RM: Bahal becomes a willing vassal of Ophram.
1932 RM: capital of Taraha is moved from Tantalum to Utreria, though it falters.
c. 2000 RM: Naal (now known as Vulka) becomes a White League outpost
2000 RM: a devastating earthquake in Taraha topples the capital of Utreria, forcing the remnants of the Pentarchy to Tantalum. This brings a period of decline.
The Andiluthan shelf continues to be exposts by waning sea levels. This allows Cammorean natives to move north, claiming the exposed land as their own. Some of them settle down in seasonal settlements, from which Andiluthan, and then later Trakian, culture will emerge over the coming centuries.
2135 RM: Olnnadi slave revolts. Many slaves flee into Naal.
2391 RM: Bahali vassalage to Ophram ends and the city is by then almost deserted. Meanwhile Ophram is unifying surrounding lands, bringing Olnnad, Adruar, Bahal, Naal & Ograd together.
C. 2395 RM: roah is assimilated by the Ophrami empire, though remained an important trade city, linking the surrounding regions, including Kharkharadontis in the south, and Daaz in the west.
2417 RM: power centre of Ophram moves to Naal. Four members of the Tantalan Pentarchy are assassinated by the fifth, who rules as a Korachani puppet.
2421 RM: the puppet ruler of Tantal grants Korcahn entry into its capital, beginning a period of Korachani subjugation that lasts for 5 centuries.
c. 2400 RM- the White League takes up residence in Holothan (Ophram).
c. 2600 RM: Roah has succumbed to disease brought by trade with Daaz. This, coupled with the growing Atramental taint in Hoghsothamon has led to its diminishing. The city was quarantined, but it never regained a foothold on trade-routes, which had moved away, leaving it stranded.
c. 2650 RM: the city of Bahal is finally abandoned.
2723 RM: Eruto becomes vassal to Parthis
2895 RM: amid political tumult in Taraha, a large portion of the Tarahid States breaks away, forming the Interurban States. Thanks to a continued wane in Korachani power in the area which eventually leads to its abandonment of the region to the Interreges in 2974 RM, the Interurban States are allowed to expand relatively unchallenged.
c. 2940 RM: the city of Roah is finally abandoned.
2974 RM- Korachan withdraws from the Tarahid States, leaving the Interreges in control. This shift in power allows the White League to rise in the area of Holothan.
3014 RM: the White League comes to rule Naal, which becomes a chapter port to the organisation.
3047 RM: the Interreges abandon the Tarahid states, leading to the legion fracturing into multiple parts.
3106 RM: a coalition of people form in the Andiluthan shelf
c. 3112 - 3155 RM: one of the fractured Tarahid States sabilises, and its people spread south, forming Trakia by 3155 RM.
3119 RM: the prophecy of the Child’s Adventism is finally fulfilled and Ophram becomes known as the Child’s Realm of Opher. The Steward undertakes a great ritual that ends its life, imparting certain gifts, including immortality and great wisdom and insight. annexes some of the western-most cities of the Tarahid States, and unites all surrounding lands under its banner.
c. 3120 - 3150 RM: the growing strength of the Child’s Adventism leads to a wane in the worship of the Azosaothi pantheon, which remains now only in the far east of Taraha
3136 RM: after close to a century of unease, the 3 states of Taraha are united under one banner, though they keep the name of the Tarahid States.
3155 RM: trakia emerges from the collapse of the Tarahid states following the abandonment of the Korachani occupation to the Interreges in 2974 RM and the subsequent withdrawal of the Interreges themselves in 3047 RM.
c. 3200 RM- white league leaves holothan / ophar emerges from part of W of Parthisan-held Tarahid annexes and ophram
3213 RM: Holothan becomes the capital of Trakia
3232 RM: Eruto is fully absorbed by Parthis
3323 RM: the Tarahid states are annexed by Parthis, and come to be known as the Tarahid Annexes.
c. 3700 RM: the ruin of Bahal is rebuilt and turned into a new caravanserai