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Here is the high-res versions of my latest map, available to Acolyte patrons and above, showing a simplified world map. I've also included the images as files you can download directly.

I'm in the process of creating more thematic maps for the Atlas, which is getting ever closer to completion. I may not be done by the end of the year as I had been hoping, but it is becoming a tangible goal. The index is complete, and the number of maps needed to 'finish' it off are decreasing.

Thank you so much for your support  :)

This is available to use as per the CC licence on the image itself.



Conrad Staier

Something I've been wondering about, as the Atlas seemingly approaches completion, is what comes next. Do you have any plans yet of what you'll do after you've done all the maps you plan for the Atlas?

Nate Mangion

More maps :) The atlas I'm working on now is just collecting the maps that I've made so far into a single PDF for ease of viewing, organising the individual maps by parent empire or geographical region. I still have about 3/4 of the world left to map after the atlas is done, so there's still loads of work to do. I'm also still not 100% happy with the topography of the older maps and will likely go over it again, polishing it up and changing elevations to be a bit more 'realistic'

Conrad Staier

Happy to hear it! Maybe one day we'll have the entire globe to look at haha. But that's still quite far away i would imagine. Either way keep up the good work! Can't wait to see what comes next

Nate Mangion

thanks! An actual globe of the world is something I've been wanting to make for a long time, but I don't feel read to make it until I've settled on all the nations first. but its certainly something II want to make one day.

Conrad Staier

I do imagine one day there being an interactable version of the maps with selectable locations to see the Encyclopaedia entries associated with them. That may be dreaming a bit much though haha.

Nate Mangion

I dont think thats too far-fetched, but not something I'm thinking of at the moment, but its certainly something really cool that I'd like to do. I have a map of the inner sea on my site that you can click on certain locations to open a link to the more detailed map of the region - https://www.worldofelyden.com/the-inner-sea