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I've seen a lot of AMA's (ask me anything - literally what the name says) on /r/worldbuilding, with worldbuilders inviting people to ask them about their world, the worldbuilding process or (in my case, I guess) the map making process too. I was wondering what the interest might be for something like that - would any of you guys be up for something like that? would you like  an 'event' similar to what I described, but don't use Reddit? 

Please let me know as I think as a worldbuilder its a great way to think about things that i might have otherwise missed about Elyden, as even if I might have 600,000 words written about it I;m sure there's many aspects of the world that I've missed. 



Steve Wood

I think it's a great idea and something I would definitely be interested in. I personally don't have any problem with it being done via Reddit or any other suitable medium. I am not impressed with Patreon's commenting system which doesn't lend itself to threaded comments very well so Reddit seems to me the preferable option currently.

Nate Mangion

Very true - replying to your (and other Patrons!) has shown me the commenting needs work on Patreon so I wouldn't use that, at least not unless it's improved. Thanks for the feedback!


I like this idea. Its good for both parties. It helps you address questions that you may not have an answer to and it gives people insight into your world and a healthy dose of inspiration. Like, I'd love to hear about your cultures and maybe some of the significant historical events but what I'm really interested in is the daily life kind of stuff.

Nate Mangion

Yeah, you hit the nail on the head with that last point. I tend to concentrate more on the macro-scale things (nations, empires rising and falling, major events and wars etc. The small things I tend to overlook. Though I will then have very strange details about obscure things - like tarot decks, types of coins, burial customs, for instance.


I would also enjoy the worldbuilding aspect. I am very interested in the cultures, races, and more history of the world, Elyden, including your approach worldbuilding in general.

Nate Mangion

thanks. I think I've gotten enough replies to make this feasible. I'll post here a few days beforehand to let people know when I'll be doing it. I'll try and find out the best time for it - the Worldbuilding subreddit is busiest on sundays after 5 pm CET +1 so I'll probably do it around that time to get the most exposure, though it wont be for a set time - so as long as people ask things I'll continue replying.