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that ending made my heart swell a million times more. fuck his feelings finally got across to her and I just- I couldn't cope. LIKE IT SWELLED BRO. IT SWELLED. I'm just happy- minus the tears. they made it work. HOW RARE IS THAT? AT THAT AGE? THAT SHIT NEVER HAPPENS LIKE BE SO FR. I MEAN HOW COULD SHE MOVE ON? HE WROTE A NOVEL ABOUT HER WTF



So happy to see how much you enjoyed the ending! I broke down just as hard my first time watching. I think this show does such a good job at showing a very well written romance.

D Turtle (Dan)

I LOVE THIS ANIME! Glad you enjoyed it? I think? 😂. I think this is the fifth time I have watched it through and the ending gets me every time.




This was my third watch and it hits just as hard as the first because it's so grounded and visceral. It also has that rare emotional resonance that I can't get enough of since it parallels my own experiences, which is why it's my absolute favourite show. I might just be addicted to bittersweet. Thanks for reacting to it!

Zero ChronoV

I never watched the anime before now. What a great story. Thanks for taking this journey with me, Faroh. 😊