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I AM CONCERNED FOR MY BRAIN. I know i watched this years ago but DAMN remember something bitch oh my GOD.


asli hassan

As someone who watched FMA and FMAB. Most people like FMAB over FMA because in the original version the second half of the show is anime only content. So basically the show was following manga until about episode 25. From episode 25-50 the rest of the show was essentially filler that the studio made up because the manga was still releasing at the time. Instead of delaying the release of episodes, the studio got permission from the mangaka to go ahead with their anime only content. So a lot of people don’t consider FMA the real version because it stopped following the manga halfway. But in my personal opinion to get the best experience I think people should watch both versions because yes at the half way point of FMA it is anime only content but the studio did such a good job and it fits the story very well that you wouldn’t notice. Also FMA has a much darker tone in general than FMAB which is something I appreciate. So yeah if your interested when your done the show I recommend you check it out!

C. J. Ramirez

Brotherhood is where it’s at. Dubbed VA is way better on this show


New anime, new name association game 😁. Have a wonderful holiday.

Jason Tucker

Brotherhood is amazing, highly recommend the Dubbed VA as it is one of the best dub you will ever listen to


Like people said, I think the dub is phenomenal for this show. Highly recommend.

Tom Ellis

This is peak