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THEIR LOVE IS ETERNAL NOTHING CAN GET IN THE WAY >:). also his story seems to be a little dark :D so excited to weep my eyes out


James Morgan Belcher

It says legions that you could decipher the meaning of Momo’s hand gestures and I couldn’t. And I’ve read the feckin manga! Am I an Okarun? Methinks I might be.


I just about spit out my drink when Hana was talking about their "manufacture dates" roflmao


I love the details in his drawings, Momo is detailed and has more pronounced lines but Jiji has little detail and it lightly outlined.

asli hassan

Fun fact: Jiji voice actor is the same as Kageyama (Haikyuu) and Sakuta (Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai)

Zero ChronoV

Faroh shipping Momokarun: ✅️ Faroh simping for Grand-mommie: ✅️ Faroh getting clam-damed at the end of the episode: ✅️ This truly was an episode. 😆

James Morgan Belcher

I love that response! I’m also definitely nicking it for a piece of writing because it’s a great line.