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now- was his goal to make them feel less bad about it? cause i dont trust their dad one bit respectfully. is it to get them to stop blaming themselves? He clearly cares about them if he's warning the old woman to get out of the town? Like it seems he's gonna try out immortality- i just dont understand why.


James Morgan Belcher

I think the Philosopher’s Stones regenerate themselves before they regenerate the homunculus they animate. They’re composed of many human souls, whose first instinct, however insane they’ve been driven, would probably be survival, hence why the stones are so hard to destroy.

Ryan Torres

The switch up is gonna be generational 😂 I’m excited for you to eventually get there.

Hisoka Lucilfer

I can't wait till she meets the most badsss character in FMAB!


Mustang's and Lusts English VAs are married. :D He says he really enjoyed this scene because usually in other projects she's killing him.