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S04E08 Stranger Things


Dennis Roberts

El dropping that helicopter is one of my favorite things she's ever done!!! Also, Iron Maiden posted a screenshot of Eddie's "THIS IS MUSIC!!" comment on Twitter that went viral. 😂 You can see it here: https://x.com/IronMaiden/status/1544335609489129472 You were correct about Will having feelings for Mike, haha. They've hinted at him being gay since the first episode of the show, and Mike has always been his closest friend, so it wasn't a huge surprise. Will also lied about El asking him to do the painting. In ep 1 of this season, El told Mike in her letter that Will wouldn't tell her who the painting was for. I think he lied out of respect for Mike being his friend and El basically being his sister. He doesn't want to lose either of them or come between them. As for Papa, I agree 100%. He dug his own grave and was lucky El even said "goodbye" to him. Get your popcorn ready for the 2.5 hour finale!! 🎉

Jennifer Lawrence

I absolutely stand in defense of the usage of Journey's Separate Ways (World's Apart). I love it so much.


finally decompressed enough after work to start this let's fucking go

Wayne Joy

The thing in the Russian lab that looked like a sand storm was the mind flayer that infected Wil in season 2. You aren't the first reactor I saw who thinks that Robin's crush looks like Molly Ringwald.

Jazzy Jay 💃🏾

That was me that asked which was your favorite of the two in the last ST post. Your answer is totally valid. Definitely gotta finish up this season.

Jazzy Jay 💃🏾

This version really is amazing. I uploaded it so fast the day I watched this episode first time around 💛.

Jennifer Lawrence

I feel like it's so hard to compare the seasons as they all seem to have a different "vibe" and inspirations. I feel like I like all the seasons for different reasons so I'm not sure how I'd pick one over another, lol


I just watched Stephen King's Firestarter and there were some definite parallels between each main characters, El and Charlie. As superpowered young girl protagonists, both are hunted by insidious government forces looking to use their powers for their own ends, and both become very destructive when angry. The Duffer Bros picked a lot of inspiration from the 80s to make an amazing series 🙌

Abigail Reifinger

The ending scene with the Hawkins groups getting ready for the BATtle with the remix of journey's "Seperate Ways" is freakin fire 🔥. The first time I watches it I was so hyped and had goosebumps EVERYWHERE.

Blake Baldwin

Carl Weathers is the name. RIP🙌


Like many fans, I turned on Spotify as soon as I finished the episode and listened to Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) on a continuous loop. The scene and the music just fit together really well for me - including the vocals. But to each their own. 😆 I think I read somewhere that Steve Perry, the Journey singer, heard this version and then said that this was the version he had imagined in his head when he wrote the song, but didn't have the technical means to make it come true. He then apparently collaborated on the extended version of the remix. You're right of course, Nancy was the main antagonist for Freddy in most of the Elm Street movies and, I don't know if it's ever been confirmed, but it's certainly been hotly rumored that Stranger Things-Nancy is supposed to be a homage to Emstreet-Nancy. And you are supposed to be reminded of Elm Street when you watch season 4, the whole season is really very much built around it. The set design, the encounters with the monster in dreams or similar states, Robert Englund - Freddy himself - who plays Vecna's father, etc... Speaking of Robert Englund. He'll be at a ComicCon in December that I have tickets for. Definitely want to check out his panel. I'm curious to see if he has a similar relationship with Freddy as William Shatner has with Kirk. Whether he perhaps hated being Freddy forever and whether, like Shattner, it took him years to come to terms with it and actually take positives from it and perhaps even be grateful today to be forever associated with such an iconic role.


Good question for sure. And the more I think of the song, the more it fits, it’s more the chorus I was anticipating but they changed that part.