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S03E04 Game of Thrones


Jazzy Jay 💃🏾

Theon’s attitude stems from pure jealousy of Rob for being amazing and the loving relationship he had with his own father Ned. Meanwhile, Theon is the outcast with no family, longing for his father and then when he sees his father again, his father wants nothing to do with him. Which made him realize Ned was the father he loved all along. If you’re googling how Theon got into this situation, his men left him stranded at Winterfell, so we’re not supposed to know who has him from there until it is revealed, there was a hint about who it would be much earlier in the season but we had never met this person before, so we had no way of knowing just like Theon.

Jazzy Jay 💃🏾

Ps. It doesn’t subtitle the Astapor master when Missandei is translating his exact words. But they will pop in when he does have those side remarks.