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Jennifer Lawrence

I'm terrible with names too, lol. Even though my coworkers all wear name tags and I see them on a regular basis I can't recall probably at least half of their names. Other than the handful of ones I interact with the most of somebody brought up their name in conversation I'd probably have no idea who they are talking about.

Jennifer Lawrence

Also it's a menorah, lol. The candles for Hanukkah.


Yesss boss lady bailey! Glad to see your liking her character 🥳


Haha, it’s the first part of the Jewish Bible, so it’s in the ballpark 🤣

Jazzy Jay 💃🏾

Ray Charles you got it! Yes that little actor was the young him in Ray, amazing catch it was bugging me too where I knew him from😅. I always get so proud when you can remember the names I know it’s hard for you and I totally understand. I’m great with names but terrible with numbers and dates.


I’m good with numbers 😂 I still remember our first phone number from when I was a kid 🤣 don’t ask me how


I'm great at names but I teach and you do not want to mess up a kid's name lol. Also I don't think Cristina is closed minded or miserable. I think she's analytical and practical and religion requires one to abandon some level of reason and instead replace reason with faith. I think that concept for her is harder because it has no basis in hard, cold facts which, as a person who has a deep appreciation for the objectivity of science, is more difficult for her to accept so the way she approached the boy's depression felt very in tune with her character. It wasn't find something to believe in because she's not buying into that necessarily, but rather live so you can do something tangible with your life, something that can make other people's lives better, and that's something she buys into completely as a doctor and will also make more sense when you find out the reason why she herself personally wanted to become a doctor and not just any doctor but the best doctor she can be.


I think a major thing with headstrong atheism, such as with Cristina, is that it seems to push some towards a nihilistic way of viewing the world. Not dissing nihilism, for some it's a comfortable way to perceive the world and their own existence. I think it's that with Cristina; the idea that nothing matters would probably be more comforting to someone who is like her (cold, calculating, practical). I view her cynicism as its own form of a defense mechanism from the harsh reality of the world, her own version of coping with it and protecting herself. she's closeminded, at least at the moment, because her way of thinking is more black and white than grey (see what i did there?) Pulled from google: "Nihilism The belief that there is no objective meaning to life and that it's futile to seek meaning. Nihilists may embrace the hopelessness of life and despair over the futility of trying to find meaning. Absurdism The belief that life is absurd because humans are wired to seek meaning but can't find it. Absurdists believe that humans should rebel against the absurdity of life and find meaning through their actions and choices" Also, im not shading anyone with a strong belief in nothing, i think its totally fine! I'm an atheist myself as well and I used to be a lot like Cristina so I feel a sort of kindred with her character and a lot of the lessons she learns, as well as how she deals with things and processes her emotions. As i've grown, i've started to lean more towards the "absurdist" way of going about life, which seems to have added a lot of color to my black and white goggles. I wouldnt say it makes me necessarily happier or less "miserable", as some may perceive it, but it opens me up more. In this harsh, twisty, chaotic, loud, and deceptive world, that's all i can focus on being. Open.


I wasn’t necessarily saying that she herself is closed minded but the style of thinking CAN be. The way she reacted to dude (can’t remember his name of course 😂) having barely a spiritual moment, is how she views spirituality/religion and she almost lost dude as a result. And not even because he wanted to end it but because she almost just gives up trying. I’m not downing being analytical or science minded when it comes to this kinda thing. But I am downing the idea that any one of us could have life 💯 dialed down. Religion, spirituality, science, atheism, having a belief that any one of these is the number one answer to life can help convince us that everyone else is crazy or stupid. And that’s a very lonely place to be.


The open part I think is all I’m trying to convey. I don’t believe in anything really. I think the only real belief I have is that we are here for a reason, but it’s up to us to find or create it. I think whatever I believe in, is made up of little pieces of all beliefs and style of thinking on this. Take what I like and leave the rest. But the only thing I protest on this subject, especially within myself, is the idea that we know 💯 what’s going on. And that that belief is the only right one. And to hugely add, not everyone that believes in something (or doesn’t 😂) goes this route. But I think it’s how a lot of bad things have happened in our history.

Shani Gribben

Heretic would be a great movie to watch with all this spiritual talk

Tal Mandelbaum

It's called Hanukkah menorah , tora is a name for the Bible studies in our schools lol