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Ooooh i cliked so freakin fast

Jennifer Lawrence

We were waiting for you to get to Mark especially because of Euphoria lmao

Jennifer Lawrence

Also I'm pretty sure you were the one who kept calling McDreamy McSteamy 😜


I could have sworn Grey threw it out just one time as a tester or mistake or something 😂 or was it the bartender? SOMEONE DID I SWEAR 🤣

Jennifer Lawrence

If they did my mind has blanked it out lol. It's very fickle with what it chooses to retain.

Shani Gribben

ER got 15 seasons in total, started in 1994 and ended in 2009. I think the only fiction shows that have been running longer and consistently would be The Simpsons which has 35 seasons or so and Law and Order SVU which has 26ish seasons

Shani Gribben

Is the movie you’re thinking of Elephant Man? By the late great David Lynch

Kathryn Fender

That Meredith/George scene sends me to the fucking moon every time I see it

Shani Gribben

George shouldn’t be taking advantage of Meredith being vulnerable and I hate this particular action and the aftermath so much

Rachel Cabot

Law and Ordder has been on for over 20, as has law and order SVU

Angelique 🩶

The song you’re snappin along to at the end is ‘Like a Star’ by Corinne Bailey Rae, she’s a brilliant singer and the soundtrack to my childhood, I really suggest checking out her music!


Bad decisions all the way around really. I don’t think George intended to take advantage but that is basically what happened.

Shani Gribben

George’s attitude in this episode just gives me the ick cause it’s the kind of behaviour that often leads to much worse behaviour towards women ( thankfully it doesn’t with George in the long run)

Angelique 🩶

These episodes go by so fast, I need more! This is by far my favorite series of yours so far and I’m glad you stuck with it. I know you have a billion shows to watch, but I think you would really like the show on Hulu ‘Normal People.’ It’s a romance show, but it’s pretty introspective and a far cry from your typical commerical romance. I think it’s slyly one of the best depictions of mental health struggles in men and women, and the insecurities we all deal with when we’re growing up. I know you love a relatable show, I think it’d be right up your alley! 🩵😊

Angelique 🩶

It might already be on the list, I think I’ve mentioned it before, but if that’s the case then I am planting my flag a second time! 😭😂

Angelique 🩶

Also, that eczema story is relatable. Currently suffering through a cold Seattle winter and I swear my skin feels like sandpaper it’s so dry. I’m lucky enough to only have it on my hands right now, but I’m praying it doesn’t spread.

Angelique 🩶

Also also, lol. Sorry for so many comments but — this is like the fifth time I’ve noticed, Danny you love yourself some R&B! 😭 I’ve been on and off this patreon for a year or two now (when I can afford it) but it’s only when a real bouncy bass comes on that you let out a little shimmy to a song. I know music reactions are more Audrey’s thing but I think you should dive into the R&B and Rap/Hip Hop music scene on YT, or even just on your own.

Angelique 🩶

I have a billion recommendations that I think you’d like and there’s quite a few rap albums I love that tackle substance abuse. I’m surprised no one’s mentioned it before? Rap is poetry, and I know you’re a big lover of that as well.

Angelique 🩶

Mac Miller, Kendrick Lamar, and Danny Brown to name a few have some great songs about addiction or life surrounded by it at the very least.

Savvy H (edited)

Comment edits

2025-02-02 04:30:39 I think so too, but now I’m second guessing myself and am like, did they say it once?? lol
2025-01-29 06:34:38 I think so too, but now I’m second guessing myself and am like, did they say it once?? lol

I think so too, but now I’m second guessing myself and am like, did they say it once?? lol

Angelique 🩶

I would KILL for your reaction to ‘good kid, m.a.a.d city’ by Kendrick Lamar. A rap album and spoken poetry story about Kendrick Lamars life growing up in Compton among other things. It’s beautiful.


What you’re talking about is psoriasis I think. The baby sibling 😂 usually attacks joints like elbows, knees and knuckles/hands. But pretty comparable. Shouldn’t get worse if you moisturize and treat 👍


It’s on the list!! Music reaction are going to be apart of the operation: savings account idea 👍


The episode of the train crash the black male nurse tells Grey Joe told him McSteamy was looking for her.

Jennifer Lawrence

Mine does too. I've tried so many different medicated lotions and creams. Still is rough and flakey. 😭 Especially on my hands probably from so much hand washing.

Jennifer Lawrence

I do too. I always thought those two had more of a sibling dynamic than something romantic. Then add on top her struggling with her family stuff and her feelings for Derek. The whole thing just made me uncomfortable. I know George has been crazy about her forever but nobody should want to be someone's rebound. Especially when they have made it abundantly obvious they haven't moved on from that relationship

bea ✨

mark actually grows to be kind of a fan favorite, hes one of my personal faves in greys

Jennifer Lawrence

Also irony isn't lost on me that are mother thought George was Thatcher, Meredith's dad. Might be some substitution for the closeness she wanted with her dad and all the years she missed out on with him. But I might be looking into it too hard lol

Jazzy Jay 💃🏾

I am dying to your reaction to seeing Mark for the first time 😅. So insane that you met him as Cal in Euphoria first. Most of us who know him from Grey’s were totally traumatized by that first episode of Euphoria because most of us love Mark.


You’re going to keep going with Greys after the Bestest changes right? I actually love Mark but I’ve had the benefit of having seen most of the series. Meredith/George is one of my most hated storylines. It just gave me the ick. I’m excited as you get towards the end of season!


Me too. I really hate this whole storyline and wish the writers had done better. But maybe that’s what they thought was needed to get George over Meredith and setup the rest of his storyline for the season.

Madeline Jensen

Though there was a point where the original “Law and Order” ended, but then came back years later (if I remember correctly)

Kate Baro

I think the movie you're referring to is Mask with Cher and *spoiler for a movie from the 80s* the boy dies in the end


Omg me too and I wash my hands so much at work so the top of them are pEALED

Leah Mcginnis

i always felt sick to my stomach during cal scenes in euporia cause all i could think about was "Mark why your better than this"

Jazzy Jay 💃🏾

I am with you 100%. The Euphoria show maker knew he had to shatter The typecast of McSteamy label from him somehow. It definitely worked 😂.

Veronica Garcia

"before bazooka and after bazooka" is so accurate. every season will give you a new word to replace "bazooka" with 😂

Steph Stephens

Yep. I'd love to see you look at the episode titles every show from now on! They do not show them in a title screen. I'm nervous and excited to see you react when Denny (Negan from Walking Dead) comes back!

Tal Mandelbaum

There is a movie called wonder where there is a kid who also have a defact in his face . One of the most emotional movies I saw !! Look it up

Cody M

So, ER had 15 seasons The Simpsons is at 36 seasons. Jeopardy is pretty good now that Ken Jennings is the permanent host - there was the host drama for a while and it took Ken some time to adjust to being host, but it is pretty good. You want to try The Pitt. It's a new show starring Noah Wyle (John Carter on ER) and it is so good. It *will* make you cry, though. If a specific episode of The Pitt isn't an 80-90 minute video because of how much it will make you cry, I will be shocked. The Pitt is currently at 9 episodes (the first season will have 15 total), so it's not *too* much to watch. It is being hailed as the most realistic medical show.


I just mentioned “the Pitt” in a reaction I just did and asked if there would be any interest 😂

Cody M

Oh man, It is so good. If multiple actors (Noah Wyle and Taylor Dearden in particular) do not get nominations for it, I will be so annoyed at the, uhhh, is it the Academy? The nomination picker people! Whenever an episode ends I am always like "WAIT? IT'S OVER?!"