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Jazzy Jay 💃🏾

Words cannot express how fast I ran to watching this 🏃🏽‍♀️😍.

Portia Crain

Man why do I have to be a functioning adult? I wanna watch right away

Shani Gribben

I still have 2 hours of work and then a bus ride home before I can watch

Elena de Haan

I do gotta say even tho Alex can be a dick, i felt sorry for him, because as soon as danny comes in Alex is pushed aside, thats pretty crappy. shes been giving him the impression that they have something going, until danny comes in.

Jennifer Lawrence

I've had poison ivy before, but, thankfully not too bad. Surprisingly as I tend to have REALLY bad reactions to things. Like with bee stings I swell up horribly. Even mosquito bites tend to swell up a lot. My boyfriend in highschool, however got really bad poison ivy and had to get a shot in the butt. 😂 On a somewhat related note a bee stung me on the butt once when I was walking through some leaves and it flew up my shorts. One cheek was bigger than the other for a while lmao


Wooo! I’m ready!

bea halonen



There you have your Sex In The City connection. Sara Ramirez (Callie Torres, the one who's into George) was part of the SITC revival in 2021.

Haley Commet (edited)

Comment edits

2025-02-02 04:30:39 Mhmm, I always thought Callie had a pretty smile too.
2025-01-30 00:21:44 Mhmm, I always thought Callie had a pretty smile too.

Mhmm, I always thought Callie had a pretty smile too.


They are two different kinds of attraction I think. She’s given Alex multiple chances already and he kinda blew it. But I don’t get the impression she’s just pushing him out just yet. Here I’m talking like all of you don’t know already 🤣 His name is Negan!!!! 🤣 🤣

Jennifer Lawrence

I was gonna say I was like idk 13 years old or something (memory is foggy) but since we're of a similar age... The odds have just increased 😂

Shani Gribben

Can somebody who knows please explain the difference between poison oak and poison ivy? I don’t think either of them exist in my country

Taryn Pruett

Callieeeee!!!! 🤍

Portia Crain

My husband is that way with bridgerton... the way you are with sex in the city lol... he hates that he knows their names


i hate George in this scenario Meredith was clearly drunk and sad so i feel like he shoulda known better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯and then Meredith being blamed always makes me sad !


yelling at a girl then storming out of the room because she started crying during sex is such trash behavior. i wish meredith was self-loving enough to drop george completely after what he did to her she did literally nothing wrong. she had sex with a person she was wanting to start a relationship with and then changed her mind without saying anything cruel. also, we all know she was drinking beforehand and there's no way george didn't smell the alcohol on her breath. he literally says in his narration that he knew it would end badly but did it anyway. he's a piece of shit and it pisses me off that his reaction made meredith feel like shit for literally nothing.


she told him that she was never gonna be in a relationship with him again, just sleep with him, so it's fully on him if he's under the impression she will. he's just completely disregarding and disrespecting her. AND it's really shitty of him to be telling people they're together. i feel absolutely no empathy for him. i get everyone loves alex and hates izzie but let's not pretend she's leading him on.

bea ✨

“karma sucks” well karma is actually the consequences of our own actions

Shani Gribben

I once picked up a wasp nest cause I thought it was a pine cone. I was 4 though

Shani Gribben

McDouchey is a significantly better nickname than McSteamy! Lol

Shani Gribben

The nest was full of wasps. I got like 25 stings. But at least I’ve never had a wasp or bee sting since

Jennifer Lawrence

That would have been an absolutely horrible way to find out you're super allergic. I just really swell up rather than anything life threatening.


I hear ya! I don’t think I got the impression she wanted to start something with George though. I think she wanted to just feel something/anything different than what she was feeling. Kinda like Izzie but with more a feeling of checking out for it, disassociating kind of. Audrey calls it “checking out.” Just my impression, not holding anything to it. George absolutely took advantage though. Lost some brownie points on that one. He’s been pretty childish with this whole thing with Grey and this was right up there. Even more so now afterwards.

Avery Russell

Loved this episode ! I understood that George felt hurt as he has clearly loved Meredith for a long time but I also have a lot of empathy for Meredith. She can't control her feelings, and it's okay to decide you don't want to have sex at any point. I also think crying while having sex is not something she should be shamed of as it's out of her control. I maybe wish that George thought more about how she is feeling rather than allow his insecurity to clous his view.

Kate Baro

Yep, baby trumps husband every time. I said that to my mother in law once, she was not impressed despite the baby in question being her granddaughter and it was ll hypothetical

olly d

absolutely loving ur greys reactions


Ah yeah I can't stand the Meredith/George storyline. George went into that completely wrong, as her friend should've been able to see that she was hurt and in pain and not doing very well and that wasn't the moment to swoop in and make it about his romantic feelings. And then he behaved so badly afterwards and made her feel like she did something wrong by crying when she was clearly very sad when he came in the room and he put that aside to make it about what he needed at that moment. And then he tries to make it out like he's the victim when I just think he's a bad friend blinded by his romantic feelings for her. He didn't pay heed to any of the hints/obvious clues previously shown that she wasn't interested and didn't feel that way about him and then threw a fit when she basically reinforced that disinterest was her true feelings. She made a mistake, of course, but he behaved so badly about it. Callie, the ortho resident who sets his shoulder back, is played by Sara Ramirez. They have a great smile, yes! Sara was on Broadway for Spamalot (won a Tony for it, has a fantastic voice) and when the production's run was done ABC offered Sara a role on any of their shows and Grey's was the one Sara chose. Callie is one of my favorite characters.

Noelle Gustafson

They are just different plants that can cause similar reactions. Poison ivy can be found anywhere in the US vs poison oak I think is more west coast. My husband is extremely allergic to poison ivy (the more you get it, the worse your reaction is). He has to get steroids every time, but when he was younger and didn’t have health insurance he would just pour bleach on his skin to get rid of it. Like Danny though, he also had a history of skin issues and so he can basically ignore the itching until it moves to his bloodstream.

Madeline Jensen

The kid actor (Sean), Noah Gray-Cabey, I recognize from the tv shows "Heroes" and "Code Black". The actor, Cress Williams, (who plays Tucker) I recognize from other things, but most recently as the main guy (Jefferson Pierce) in the tv show "Black Lightning".

Savvy H

i have always felt that George was more in the wrong in this situation than Merideth. If a person starts crying while you are having sex, it doesn't matter what your ego feels... I feel like the right thing to do would be stop, put clothes on and just be there for them. He treated her like it was an offense to him, and it really wasn't.

Lisa Börjegren

I don't think George was in the right to become angry at Meredith for starting to cry during sex? Like, how did he take that as her doing something towards HIM??? She was clearly upset and he is supposed to be HER friend, why was he not just stopping the sex and giving her support and hugs in that horrible moment. How is Geroge in the right in that situation? Slamming the door while she's in bed exposed and crying.

Lisa Börjegren

Also Meredith never said "I'm in love with you too", she wanted to have sex with him. Him acting like she said she wanted to be with him and then not is not exactly what happened. When Meredith wanted to have sex HE could have stopped and said "so what do you think? You love me too?" but no, he knew she was sad and wanted to have sex with her so HE ignored that too. To blame it all on Meredith is weird.

Nicole Heslinga

Yay Callie is here! One of my favorite characters for suree <3


bit late but this episode always makes me think of the same thing, in the uk basically every kid is shown this video in school about consent/sex and its talked about using the analogy of tea. So if someone doesnt want tea, dont make them have tea. and there was this one line that I always remember when watching this episode and its something like, you can make the tea for someone and they start drinking it but then stop and say they don't want anymore and you cant get mad at them for not wanting the rest. George shouldn't have been mad at mere for crying during, he can be upset with her for not expressing what she truly wanted before hand but as she said, she didn't know she didn't want it until it was already happening. I hated how they dealed with this