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So typically you won’t start to show until around 4-5 months. I’d say at this point Shauna is probably at the 6-8 week mark if she’s showing symptoms. I suppose we all see things differently. I always viewed Jackie and Shauna’s relationship as Jackie always stealing the spotlight and thinking she’s superior, making all of the choices, and just expecting Shauna to go along with it. And Shauna sleeping with Jeff was how she dealt with some of her resentment as a one up on Jackie. She loves Jackie as a bestie, but she also hates her.


I don’t know if the show has given me enough to make that conclusion but I can totally see that.


I think I just got a lot of that from the pilot when Jackie was talking about how she picked out the colors for their dorm and ragged on Shauna for not having a boyfriend, and setting her up with Randy.


Oh right! I definitely can see it. We might just be seeing two sides of the same coin 😂 the part I’m not seeing fully Shauna seeing Jackie as superior or being a follower of Jackie. I for sure think she’s envious to a degree. But there’s so much we don’t know about them before the crash and it’s hard for me to dedicate myself to an idea of what’s happening. My brain runs on like 10 different possibilities 😂. I just pick what I think is the more realistic/logical. But that’s all from my perspective as well, which means it’s always going to be flawed in some way. Im assuming you’ve seen this already so you may have more info than me 😂 But, as it stands after the crash, the roles are reversing very quickly. Shauna is now much more vital now and Jackie is not only not doing anything to help the group, she’s almost refusing to learn and just giving up. Under the circumstances, Jackie is going to be looking worse and worse to the group if this keeps going. Which makes more sense of Jackie not being around and her Shauna later. This is where I can start thinking that some really bad s**t may have happened 😳 🤷‍♂️ 😂 It’s stuff like this that makes this show really entertaining.


It definitely gets more interesting as the season progresses and you figure out the different dynamics playing out. 19 months in the woods is a long time.


jackieshauna truthers unite. there is no hetero explanation for whatever they have going on


also the season finale of s2 came out a few hours ago so careful of seeking out yj content cause stuff went DOWN (i´m still sobbing), but you´re in for such a treat


Just to clarify - Shauna and Jeff's daughter Callie is not the baby that Shauna was pregnant with in the wilderness. They said it'd been like 25 years since they were rescued and Callie is probably 16 or 17. I had thought that at first too but then did the math.

Steph Stephens

Your back and forth with Audrey on theories cracks me up! I do the same thing with my hubby.