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S01E04 The Haunting of Hill House



I love Luke and i kinda love how they choose to frame him through the whole show. He arguably has done the most morally wrong things to others due to his addiction but they don’t really show that to us. The parallels between the luke we see and childhood luke are what is shown; the sweetness and innocence and love he has for his family. Also yes Steve sucks, like i get the frustration but damn dude.

Simone Cherie

I have such empathy for Steven in this series. It is hellish to watch someone you love hurt themselves and go up and down and back and forth on a journey to recovery that some people never complete. Steve chooses distance and harbors judgements because he’s angry and he’s also powerless. I completely get that anger. It’s one thing when you are battling with something because even though it is a disease, you still have some sense of agency, but the people around you can do nothing but watch.