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Lucy decides to lounge in the living room, to which she unexpectedly finds a ‘Sleeping Beauty’ already in the room...


The conclusion for this mini-series is not far ahead! This series has progressed in a way to show 'erotic' tendencies for each other, showing Lucy and Aya's perspective. With the meter almost reaching its climax, the two will finally seal the deal in the finale comic of this series!

The Finale won't be a mini but instead a major comic to which I expect will reach beyond 50 renders at least. There will be 1-2 more Mini Peeping Toms, one will be Aya's POV, and the other being Lucy's.

The long awaited action will eventually come! No dream or imagination sequences, only the real thing with the two fully aware and buzzing!

Also, a little bonus Pin-Up set later on today or tomorrow showing what exactly Aya was thinking of, during her little daytime nap...

Stay tuned for more updates!
