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'Hey, Miss Hayakawa!
We've received your requested bulk order of dolls, and we'd like to confirm that they are already in transit, headed your way!

Yours kindly,
Risqué Silico-Dolls!'


SFX Pack - @PointyAux & @OpenNSFWSP
VA Pack - @LecheryAmoreVA


Plans for 2025

Hopefully you've all enjoyed your Christmas and had your fill of fun and turkey, ended the year they way you wanted, only even better!

Now that the break is over, it's back to the grind, preparing for the new year and making plans that will advance you to the next level!

2024 had a ton of content, from commissions to full-blown animations, and while I've just started animating this year, I'm lowkey happy with my development, as I'm still learning something new and different to improve on with each animation I create. Going from EEVEE to Cycles (Alternating between the two depending on scene), improving my key-framed posing, quality physics and more! I still consider this the very beginning so ultimately, you should all expect lot more animations at a high quality level in 2025 (to the best of my ability)

I will be releasing a series of Mini-Animations, with hopefully some full (Long) ones throughout the year.

In terms of comics, there is one goal I've set myself before continuing with anything else (Excluding commissioned work), and that is completing what I said, what should've been completed 4–5 months ago... Friendly Neighbours 3 with Lucy and Lizzie. That will be my mission for the rest of the month of January.

After that is complete, I've got a series of ideas for what I could potentially do as well as continuing other series-works such as 'Escort for Hire', the 'PRANKED YA!' Series, and perhaps even some of the smaller Mini-Series. But, eventually what I wanted to do is to move onto the next main comics which would be Mary-Ann and, potentially, Xae's debut comics. What I mean by debut really is pretty much a proper comic that features a considerable yet, achievable number of pages. That's pretty much the plan for the main stuff. There will be some unplanned stuff as well, inspiration is usually very sporadic and unpredictable, and I definitely do want to create some more non-canon stuff, maybe some fan-art type stuff, but who knows, there's so much to do!

As for commissions...

Typically, I want to do less this coming year, like a lot less. This year, I've done a considerable amount already, put a lot of time into them, and while I'm very thankful for the ideas and the content, I've neglected my own stuff a little. I'll still accept the occasional commission now and then, but I will be a little strict with my availability. That goes for new stuff only. I still have a number of commissions from this year, hopefully being finished for January/February, so I would expect a number of uploads in the beginning of the year to be mainly commissioned work, but after January, you'll start to see a lot less with instead, more canon stuff from myself!

I'll keep sharing some more news throughout the year to keep you updated with what I'm doing or plan to do. Other than that, it's pretty much just expect more content at a much higher level, and hopefully more ambitious animations, perhaps with some of them having sound added to them (As mentioned before, sound isn't really my thing)

Anyway, here's to a new year with a fresh new level to play and grind, I once again thank you all for the incredible support, the feedback/comments from the last comic were very touching and pushed me a lot to really get my head in gear and finish FN3 for y'all. You deserve that much for waiting this long for that one to come, at least.

Break is over so we're back to regular consistent posts now, no more long-winded 'essays' for you to read! Expect the first couple posts to be some light mini-animations, and some pin-ups as we head into the bigger stuff in January!

Happy New Year, and as always, stay tuned for more updates!


BlankKen Universe Wiki


Doing CZW spots on Tony's deck

Hell yeah, definitely excited for more Pranked Ya and other future projects. And you should definitely be proud of your animation progress.


Favorite child gets another installment fire

Gon Freecss

This looking like a Awesome Year for BlankKen's Fans i can't wait to see what's in store in 2025 it's Sounding Very Exciting 😁👍💯

etsi etsi

make more charlotte videos please ... you just overdid it with her muscles though . l believe in her very first comic was way hotter even with the face she has ( lacks feminine characteristics ) she could have a more like Thrud or Maggie bodies ( suits her best l believe ) or at least like diana ... and to have a more feminine face


Looking forward to more xae's comics, definitely my favorite