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Very close to the end now! Well, of this first chapter, anyway. There's plenty more in store for Audrey and this is only the beginning. next week, the completion of page 21 and the start of Audrey's basic training as a member of the Q.W.E.R.M. A.F.F.F...!!!



Annony Moose

Audrey has a cute last name


Once I thought of it I couldn't leave it! 😄 Perhaps there are many great stories throughout the history of the Humpkins clan... On a side note, this is from the urban Dictionary: 'One who has a uncontrollable desire to hump any time during the day/night' They knew 😆 😆 😆


Audrey is the best! 😄


For a random guard that I plucked out of Stripped issue 14, I'm enjoying growing a story (and antics!) out of her, yeah 😁