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Aha! it seems things weren't quite done over at Elena's lab.

Never fear... Zoob is here! 😁




OMG I LOVE the idea 😄 Zoob is here again to save the day! 😊 I love howthe clones look genuinely curious in those printed underwear 😄 They are so cute!


Heh! yeah I thought of it and HAD to do it! I think I have a whole comic's worth of Zeeb/Zoob capers... but we'll see 🤔 and yeah, this is possibly a point where the clones evolve from... and I don't think Elena's too sure about that!!


It's a great idea wonderfully executed 🥰 Haha I live the clones, be careful, they may soon ask for bra and clothes 😆 that could be a really nice idea actually, a clone revolution, and they will steal clothes from Lenora and other ladies 😄